Hi, it's my first time posting here! I think the idea of having such a fanclub blog is really good, because in yahoogroups everyone is spamming messages to ask for tickets from rebecca, and on zhiyang's blog the tagboard/chatterbox is just far too small :P So everyone do come and post here :)
Anyway if zhiyang hasn't chosen a song yet and if he doesn't intend to do or is not allowed to perform an FIR song, he can refer to some of these song recommendations from me :) I hope he can do a 自弹自唱 session on the piano for his free-and-easy item in the competition!
1) mo ri zhi lian: this song should be very managable for zhiyang, a bit too easy perhaps, but still has very interesting falsetto parts and has a very good emotional feel to it
2) bu zi de: this song is basically 90% falsetto, and it's a really nice, yet extremely difficult song to perform. And it's by DreamzFM, in which Calvin Soh, one of the judges, is a member of!
3) sha tang: Kelly sang this during grand finals, so i suppose zhiyang can do it too. Another David Tao classic with nice falsetto pulls to it.
4) tai chong ming: A Cheer Chen song, and if the key is lowered by a few zhiyang can already sing it as a guy's key song. Simple clean acoustic song.
5) bu yao hai ba: Another Wong Lee Hom song, this one fits zhiyang's vocals perfect: soft soothing song without too much exertion, and beautiful falsetto parts :)
There 5 songs from me... if zhiyang hasn't came to a decision yet he can perhaps consult this list for some advice :) And to the rest of you guys, happy posting and remember to VOTE for zhiyang on sunday!
-- shaox